College Ambassador Program

Calling all college ambassadors!

Do you want to join #TeamRecover? Do you love hosting events on your campus? And creating fun content? 

As a RECOVER 180 College Ambassador, you'll work directly with our team to bring Organic Sports Hydration to your campus!


You will get to:

1. Provide RECOVER 180 for campus events

2. Host events on campus

3. Create killer content

4. Receive monthly shipments of RECOVER 180

5. Network with the RECOVER 180 team & ambassador community

What RECOVER 180 will provide:

  • $500 a month per program = $2,000 per program (each program is 4 months)
  • Month supply of RECOVER 180 to be provided
  • Branded Merch & Goodies to be offered throughout the 4 months
  • 1 tabletop event kit for Ambassador to share RECOVER 180 on campus

By the end of each program, 1 top performing ambassador will receive a Brand-New MacBook Air ($1,100 value)!

Ambassador duties: 

  • 1 In Feed IG Post (static or video) per month (4 total Feed Posts)
  • 1 IG Story Post (static or video) per month (4 total Story Posts)
  • Include R180 into 1 college event per month (4 total events)
  • Conduct 1 retail demo near campus bimonthly (2 total demos)

RECOVER 180 College Ambassador applications are now OPEN for this upcoming Spring 2025 semester. Monthly compensation included!! 

Acceptances will be sent out early February! 

We contract our Ambassadors for 4 months (one semester), but you’re welcome to re-apply if you would like to continue in the program!